Transition Radio Show

Any of the opinions or beliefs are ours, we do not expect anyone to follow our path or advice. You all have free will and should consult your health care professional for further information. We are not affiliated with our guests and their views and opinions are theirs.

It's time to break free from the programming while reaching your highest potential.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Michael Sherman live Sunday April 7th 4 PM EST

watch and chat live click link below
Michael Sherman, is a local transman from Niagara, who is putting himself out there to educate those wanting to learn about things surrounding Transgender Topics and the Trans-identified community, by providing a Trans 101 Session in which he shares his story to give it a more personal touch. Michael graduated from the Psychology/Social Work course. He's a creative writer and has won two Editor Choice Awards for his poetry. He's an inspirational speaker who strives hard to better educate those around him. Currently he's working with a fellow local transman in promoting their documentary "Revealing the Unfamiliar" that explores being trans in Niagara Region. He's passionate about his work and lives each day to the fullest

Timothy Kurek live Thursday at 630 PM on Transition Radio

Timothy Kurek, a Portland, Oregon based author and speaker is tackling some of the front burner issues of our day. His unrestrained style of immersion lends a uniquely empathetic perspective, engaging his audiences with empathy, humor, and refreshing candor. Timothy Kurek, raised within the confines of a strict, conservative Christian denomination in the Bible Belt, Nashville, Tennessee, was taught the gospel of separation from a young age. But it wasn’t long before Timothy’s path and the outside world converged when a friend came out as a lesbian, and revealed she had been excommunicated by her family. Distraught and overcome with questions and doubts about his religious upbringing, Timothy decided the only way to empathize and understand her pain was to walk in the shoes of very people he had been taught to shun. He decided to come out as a gay man to everyone in his life, and to see for himself how the label of gay would impact his life. In the tradition of Black Like Me, The Cross in the Closet is a story about people, a story about faith, and about one man’s “abominable” quest to find Jesus in the margins. Tim is an internationally sought-after speaker and has been featured on ABC's The View, Fox News Alan Colmes, CNN, MSNBC, CTV, HLN, Sirius/XM and dozens of other national and international outlets.

click link below to listen to the show Thursday April 4th at 630 PM EST. or on demand after wards.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kathryn Mathis and Michael Silverman on Transition Radio TV

Watch this Sunday at 4 PM EST on
an interview with Kathryn Mathis, the mother of Coy Mathis the 6 year old transgender girl who attended Eagle Side Elementary School in Fountain Colorado. Coy was not allowed to use the girls bathroom after using it for over a year's time when the controversy of her being transgender became an issue. Join us for this prerecorded show with Kathryn Mathis and Michael Silverman one of the attorny for the legal team on the case
 for this informative and personable interview.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Upcoming shows for Transition radio/tv

Cylliah is a first born, blind, Transgendered Two Spirit soul, though it would take several years for him to gain an understanding and self-acceptance of this. The unforeseen diagnosis of blindness can be quite shocking to any new parents. All alone and uncertain as to what my folks should do, they went against all others advise an chose to raise their child like any other, bravely deciding not to shelter me from the world, realizing that from their prospective living life to the fullest would be a challenge for their child. In early childhood, she gained in interest in music, started singing and playing the Piano at age 4. Mom insisted on us kids growing up in the Baptist church. At around age 5 is when the mystery of self-began to unfold. All though I was in a girl’s body, I didn’t feel quite like the other girls, I felt more like a boy. I figured I was a different kind of boy but none the less a boy, if I felt like a boy inside then that probably meant I would grow like a boy. Those feelings feared and excited me all at the same time. I had no way to communicate these feelings and only hoped in time my hidden truth would be revealed. When puberty began and progressed, the feelings of self-togetherness and confidence slowly drifted away. I knew then, I was a girl in and out, but why do I feel different? In high school, she began studying Kung Fu San Soo, a Chinese Martial art that is based on the yin and yang philosophy of Taoism. As I progressed in the art, I learned how to listen to my body, to become more in tune, learning how the body and mind communicate with one another. I left the traditional college setting and attended Massage Therapy School, not having a clear objective as to where I could see myself working in the field I had to start somewhere, make a move take a chance, stop fearing the unknown and see where this road takes me. Self-acceptance is a beautiful thing, I’m free to be me and live my truth. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I’m no one special, just an average Jo who has challenges of his own. I’m aspiring to become a successful Sport’s Massage Therapist. Family and I have a closer bond with one another than ever before. Stay tune Friday March 29th at 630 PM EST

The Mathis and Their legal Team will be aired on March 31st on at 4 PM EST

Coy Mathis, a first-grader who had been attending Eagle side Elementary School in Fountain, Colo., is now being home schooled after the school told her in January that she could no longer use the girls' bathroom and that the school  told them Coy's only options were to use the nurse's bathroom, the boy's bathroom or the staff bathroom.

Coy was born a boy, but identifies as a transgender female and has been attending the school since 2011, however her parents say not until January of this year had the school confronted them with this.

So, her parents, Kathryn and Jeremy Mathis, filed a complaint against Fountain-Fort Carson School District 8 with the Colorado Civil Rights Division in February with the hopes that the school would change its stance,



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Live with Christine Beatty on Transition Radio TV

A 25 year member of the transwomen’s community, Christine Beatty is a transsexual author, activist, journalist and musician with the distinction of being one of the first transsexual women to perform in a working, recording heavy metal rock band – Glamazon. Since 1991 work has been seen in Transgender Tapestry, Spectator, TransSisters, Bay Area Reporter, SF Bay Times and Chrysalis Quarterly. She has published two books and is completing her first novel. A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, she currently resides in Los Angeles Watch this amazing interview Sunday March 24th at 4 PM EST

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Friday March 22nd Live with Michael Riley Mullinax

Michael Riley Mullinax is a 35 y.o. male, who is transgender, however he qoutes “I don't really identify as trans technically. I am just a man, that's the only way I know how to put it. I live in a very rural part of NE GA, which also happens to be where I grew up. I was raised in a VERY conservative Southern Baptist home, not allowed to go anywhere other than school, or really interact with anyone other than people at school... I spent many years as a drug user and a dealer as well, only in the last 10 years really have I been fully in the reality of my own life, much less that of the world. A little over 9 years ago, I met my wife, Linda, whom I have to say has been the driving force behind my transition, my rock if you will. She told me many times that she just didn't see me as a "female" and that something was very different about me in many ways. The more she talked, the more I actually listened.. she got me to give up the drug habits, quit living life for the minute, and really talk about what I was running from. "Be proud of the person you are, and quit trying to make the world happy with it. The first 4 years of my transition, was without hormones, but it WAS NOT enough.. I was still miserable.. so again, more research... then followed by a long argument, and a not so willing trip to the GYN. There would be one of the most eye opening moments for me yet... ater the pap, this doctor said he was intrigued with something and that an ultrasound was deinitely needed.. the ultrasound revealed the possible root of my temper. I had one ovary, and one testicle that had never dropped, he wouldn't prescribe T to me.. but deinitely fueled my fire to get on it as soon as possible... An here I am, almost 3 years later.. I know that my purpose now and that is to make sure that ALL people know that God's love includes us ALL!! I'm working toward my BA in religion, and have every intention of pushing onward into a full blown trans ministry, of course including everyone, but focusing on that spirituality that I know transpeople feel like they can never obtain. I know now that we are dual purpose people... we carry more than one message.. and that each message was intended to be delivered by a different messenger, but yet in just one body! catch us live March 22nd on transition radio at 630 PM EST join us on chat or call in with your questions 646) 716-6895

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jessica Who on Transition Radio TV Pre recorded show

This is pre recorded show tailored especially for Jessica Who, Jessica was unable to do a live show due to her work schedule, but we didn't want to miss the opportunity to interview this amazingly funny and beautiful lady. So stay tune on Sunday March 17th when the show will be up on for your viewing pleasure.

Jessica “Who?” De Leon  is the creator of the blog Jessica Who?, I am a married person who identifies as somewhere in between male and female and expresses this through art, comedy, fashion, and writing.

My wonderful wife loves and accepts me fully, and also contributes to Jessica Who?. In addition, my mother and several of my family members and friends are very caring and supportive of my gender identity and expression.

On March 17th on our regular live schedule program, you will be able to watch Jessica Who being interviewed by Jess and I. Please don't miss this incredibly funny and educational interview.

I studied Computer Engineering in college and enjoy video games, sports, comic books, and many types of music. I am a comedian, filmmaker, podcaster, public speaker, and author.


Upcoming shows for Transition Radio and TV Show

Friday March 15th listen live at 630 PM EST to our interview with Traci Turpin Founder of

Traci Turpin is the fiancé of Emmett Hamilton and the mother of four amazing girls and one amazing soon to be son-in-law. She is currently in school in pursuit of a PhD at the end of her academic journey to become a clinical psychologist. She has been an active member in the G.L.B.T.Q. community since 2001, and has been very active in specifically the transgender community since 2009. She has served on several pride boards in Knoxville Tennessee in executive positions. Traci also founded Equality Knoxville in 2004 and EverythingTrans.Org in September 2011. In August 2012 she had to put EverythingTrans.Org on hold until she could put more time and resources into the organization, so that it can effectively impact the lives of those she wishes to assist with their transition.

At the end of her academic journey she will become a licensed clinical psychologist, and will open a full service transition clinic. The clinic will provide a safe place for patients to access endocrinology, general medical treatment, plastic surgery, counseling and gynecology. A major television producer has already approached Traci on making a movie about her clinic upon completion. She intends on making history by creating the nations first full service center for transgender individuals.

to listen to the show live visit this link

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday March 10th Live with Chrysalis Lingerie


Chrysalis is a New York City based lingerie brand. It was co-founded in 2010 by Cy Lauz as

a means to develop a line of lingerie specifically for transgender women. Chrysalis offers

lingerie that helps to resolve issues of the transgender experience so you can concentrate on

more important things, -you! Along with our exquisitely made lingerie, Chrysalis offers a

peace of mind. Chrysalis offers various products including our Chrysalis Enhancers™ bras

that hold full cup silicone inserts that create a natural looking bust line and our T-string™

that effectively tuck, hold, and smooth out, the panty line for that perfect seamless look.

Chrysalis will officially launch it’s online e-commerce website on May 1, 2013.


Chrysalis came about to alleviate a primary stress and issue for transgender women. In the

greater scope, Chrysalis was created to help change the dehumanizing stereotypes and biases

transgender people are subjected to as a group and community. Chrysalis symbolizes the

acknowledgment of our existence and provides a solution to our specific needs. As a brand,

Chrysalis takes transgender women beyond stereotypes and represents them as beautiful

intelligent women with prowess and the embodiment of feminine sensuality.


Cy Lauz says, “I think every woman, trans or not face challenges when trying to find

undergarments. All women come in different shapes and sizes; have particular tastes, wants,

and needs. But as Trans women, we have very specific needs unique to our experience. The

obvious are finding ways to create a natural looking bust line and ways to "tuck"

comfortably, all the while keeping our dignity and sense of self in tact.

watch live on Sunday March 10th at 4 PM EST.




Friday March 8th Sabrina Samone from

Sabrina Samone was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and currently lives in the Charleston South Carolina area. She currently works as a nurse and continuing her education Trident Technical College. At the start of her transitioning, she performed throughout the Carolinas and Georgia as a gender illusionist. She is also an actress appearing in her first stage production at age six and continue to do twenty-two regional and university plays before landing a role as an extra in a student film The Beat which lead to another role in Casper Andrea’s film ‘Between Love and Goodbye’ where she played Gina with several scenes and line in the film. She is currently in talks with a Hollywood producer for a chance at a made for cable TV series with several strong transgender characters, as well with a local Charleston, SC producer which she is co-producing a documentary about the lives and struggles of several transgender people. Recently she launched the collaborative blog site a personal and collaborative blog site of personal information, news, entertainment and empowerment for the Trans community. Her blog has recently gained attention in part to an expose. She reports on a former transgender roommate whose image and testimony is being used as an example for the ex-gay/ex-trans organization PFOX. Her blog is a prelude to her first novel “The Premiere”, which is currently in consideration for publication. She is also in real estate with two ocean front vacation rentals on LGBT friendly Hilton Head Island SC Sabrina believes that while it is important that they idea of transitioning to be just another female or male is important, we should never hide but through our visibility we are making the lives of the next person to transition just little easier Listen live Friday March 8th at 630 PM EST .
click on the link: