Manifestation Moments: A Guide to Higher Living
By Mark Angelo Cummings
1. Manifestation Moment Cleaning House:
Imagine a river flowing, listen to the sound the river makes as it flows within you. There is a cleansing being created inside of you, as the river flows and removes all of your pain, guilt, fear, anger impurities and hate, it is cleansing all that does not belong in or to you. The river is taking all of it away as it flows, cleansing your very core.
You now feel free, your pain is no longer there, you are now a new creation, a new being, cleansed from all that has plagued you in this lifetime. Let us all manifest the cleansing of each and every one of us in this human family. So it is, so it is, it is so, it is so……. Aum…….
2. Manifestation Moment Forgiveness:
Forgiveness is an important tool to consider for our spiritual growth, without it we are not fully equipped to rise above the things that keep us entrapped in this 3rd dimension.
To free ourselves from the burden of holding on to the negative, we must learn to sever the ties we have with the wrongdoings of either our own or of others.
Let us visualize the events and mentally rid ourselves one by one of the ties they have on us today.
Let us imagine a box, an empty box that we will fill with all of our past memories and actions that require forgiveness. One by one we take the thought captive and place it in the empty box.
Forgiveness, Forgiveness, I forgive, I forgive, I am forgiven, I am forgiven. Aum……...
3. Manifestation Moment Letting The Ego Go:
Letting go of our ego, the self that has become so dear and true to us, the one that has been there when we were all alone, afraid and hurt it is not an easy feat to say goodbye and to let go. But ego you have to go if we are to advance in the next stage of our awakening. ( breath loud, breath hard, breath fast)
Imagine your ego as an old friend, a friend that has been there for us all along, the one that comforts us when we are afraid, alone and desperate. Ego picks us up when we are down, makes us feel important when we have felt we are not, listens to our woes and plays the violin we so love to hear and it is sweet music to our ears.
Let us write a fair well letter to our friend, the dear one, that we have honored for so long. As we pick up the pen and place it on the paper, we begin to write the words that flow from our hearts through our fingers tips.
Goodbye arrogance, although you served me well when others only saw weakness, I bid you goodbye. For you and I must part ways, love and arrogance cannot sit in the same space. Goodbye victimhood, love, and blame cannot sit on the same altar, so I say farewell to thee. Goodbye Drama, although you have been a constant in my life and have kept me entertained, the time to part is now, for there is only love and acceptance flowing through my veins.
Goodbye sorrow and blame, the time to break the chains are here, we can no longer live in fear, so I say Tata cause love only lives here.
As I breathe the breath of life, as I sing this song tonight. I sing the song of love, the sweet frequency I so heavily fought, I am free from ego indeed, lighter than I a feather I feel, a new human is born and replaces the old.
Uha Uha Uha, lamba ley, Lamba la, Uha Uha Uha La. Repeat…...
4. Manifestation moment:
Getting a handle on your sensitivity requires examining your past, figuring out your emotional scripts, and naming the emotions behind your reactions. That’s all part of evolving into a mature, self-actualized human being.
Guilty feelings can hurt your heart. It shrivels at the thought of causing pain on others, it cries at the very core of your existence when you feel ashamed for the many actions and wrongdoings you have done.
Guilt can cripple you and paralyzes you, making you question your integrity and your sense of self. Guilt has been used as a weapon against you, as a form of control to destroy your very core.
Let us renounce this foe, we do not grant it permission or call it our very own. We no longer claim it in our world, disempower it before it even enters your world. Stop you are not welcome, I refuse to take ownership of you at all.
Imagine the wind blowing as it moves around your hair, blowing swiftly and insistently through you, around you, deep inside you. This moving force shakes you, moves you and takes the guilt you have an experience away from you. Taking away the hurt, the pain, the consistent nagging fray that has followed you throughout the day. You no longer claim it, it been erased from your haven, you now feel free of guilt and condemnation. It serves no purpose nor does it have a place in your heart and soul, let it go, set it free, replace it with love and light and peace.
You were created for greater things than this, to fly, to soar, to be love and so much more. Guilt does not live here no more.
Free at last, free at last, free at last
5. Manifestation moment: Envy & Jealousy
From the beginning of time brothers have fought one another to gain the attention of their parents, many in biblical time have killed their sibling to gain favor or receive the right to be king or dominate the pack.
Envy and Jealousy are two very destructive human emotion that has kept us from rising about our evil intent and darker side. We must manifest a world filled with light, a world free of Envy and Jealousy.
Close your eyes, gently not forcefully, feel your eyelids touch your eyes, they both serve an important factor a purpose, without your eyes you can’t see, without the lids, you can’t rest or even protect your precious eyes from things. Imagine if the eye became jealous of the lid or visa versa, what harm they would do to each other they both need each other to co-exist and survive.
As your eyes are closed, I want you to think back at a moment where you felt envy or became jealous of someone? Feel that feeling as if it were happening right now. How do you feel? What does it make you feel inside? Is this feeling helpful to you in any way? I want you now to take that thought captive, that envy you felt towards that person, and turn it into empathy and compassion, love and joy. Feel joy for that person, enjoy their triumph instead of feeling envy and jealousy, be able to share their happiness and make it your own, remember that we are all one. When one person hurts you hurt when one person is happy you are happy. Take self out of self, it is not I but it is we.
Never allow envy or jealousy to govern your life because we are all one, we all rejoice together as one Giant consciousness. Every time any of these emotions creep up on you, negate it and replace it with joy, compassion, empathy and yes love.
6. Manifestation moment: connecting with the divine
Sitting in silence helps us bring out the divinity withi. When we quiet the mind, we can learn to listen to the voice of reason, the divine speaks when the chatter of our minds ceases to exist.
There was a time when we sat in the void, and it was good. We did not think, we just were, life was very different from the way it is now. The void was good, there was no noise or commotion, there was no duality no separation, we were one with the divine and the divine was one with us. We did not identify with the hologram we call our body, we were energy in motion and part of all that is.
Let us create that space right here and now, our mind is free from the clatter, we are at peace, in silence, only focusing on the breath, the breath takes us to a place we know very well, there is nothing but silence and the breath of life, the only sound we hear is our heartbeat, our mothers and the gentle swoosh of the water we are floating on.
We are warm, safe and still, nothing or no one can hurt us. Continue to focus on your breath, the breath of life. You now find yourself surrounded by water, you are floating and your body is free from any pressure or discomfort. You are lighter than a feather, just floating on water, no fear, no pain, no obstruction, just water, air and void. You are safe, remember the day you were inside your mother’s womb, floating surrounded by the fluid that sustained your life as you grew and your nervous system was created. Your hemispheres were formed, your perfect little body was going through many changes, you were made perfect in every way. The tools you were given was to bring you joy and unity with the divine. You are one with all, no separation no confusion, just oneness.
Continue focusing on the breath, the void, the breath of life, you are one with the divine, the created the light the love the one. Listen to the voice, feel the vibration, listen to the heartbeat, the sounds and calling, listen to the one that calls you to come home.
7. Manifestation/meditation moment
Clearing our minds, from the moment we awake to the moment we go to sleep, we find ourselves fighting negative thoughts.
What are our intentions as we go about our day, do we want to bring ourselves up or do we wish to tear ourselves down.
The programming from childhood runs deep, we are told so often that we are not worthy of love, we fear our own shadows, and we create our own battles.
Let us clear our intentions, let us take the root of the problem like pulling weeds from our garden, let us pool the source of our negative thoughts.
I want you to visualize yourself in a garden, you are the tall grass, but in the meadow of this beautiful garden, you see tall weeds growing, these weeds are your negative thoughts that arise from morning to dusk. Be the Gardner that pulls them out, no longer serving you, no longer being part of your heart and mind. The weeds are being pulled from their root, you are free from the negativity you have been taught to carry with you, no longer do they serve you, no longer are they there, you have removed them they have vanished from thin are. Being free, free from all that darkens you, only love and light in your midst. Freedom is good. And so it is.
8. Manifestation/meditation moment
We are taught to see, to see ware are taught with our eyes. Yet can we really see what is before us? What are we so afraid of, that we constantly walk around as if we were blind. Blind to the truth, blind to who we are and what we are capable of.
Today we will manifest sight, the sight that we were stripped off when our DNA was disconnected. Today will be the day when the veil is removed and we will see clearly. All intentions, all hidden facts will be revealed.
Close your eyes, as you place your intentions on your pineal gland, the true sight center. I want you to roll your eyes, while your eyes remain closed up to your head. I want you to visualize a lavender light, a healing light that will reconnect you to your true sight. While you visualize this lavender light, I want you to touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, press in and take a deep breath.
You will give the command on the count of three, one, two, three, I can now see, my sight has returned, I can see in the dark, I can see all the things, I will no longer be blind, from this moment on, my third eye is functional just as it has been throughout time.
Breath, breath, take three deep breaths and exhale while saying ahhhhh, sight is good, all is as it should be. And so it is.
9. Manifestation/Meditation Moment Balance your ego
You came when I needed you, you arrived during my time of darkness, taught me how to survive, how to live among the darkness. I thank you for your service, you were there during my hour of need. Now the time for facing all of my pain is here. The time to grow and evolve becoming free from the hurt, these frustrations, the lies that we created that which has kept us alive all, of these years and of our lifetimes, the time for freedom is finally here.
Ego you have lifted me up when I felt down, when I was down, you gave me the strength to cry, to whine to reach out to others, you were a tool that kept me alive. But now, it is time for me, to set myself free from all of these paradigms, the drama and the need to weep. I am stronger now, I can handle this on my own, I don’t need to create characters wear a false mask, no I don’t need this anymore. I will keep you in a chest, you did your very best, but now, I ( state your name out loud) will confront this world. No need to hide, no need to lie, no need to whine. I am a lie, I am strong and I am capable of handling all of this on my own.
The tools I need are right here and in the now. No need to look into the past, no need to foresee tomorrow, I will take each moment, each breath, each heartbeat and manifest the best world and watch the scenarios unfold to the benefit of this my world, you and me, brother and sister together we will create our best earth. Mother, your womb I feel her Her heartbeat, giving me strength and fighting every step of the way, but not with a sword or condemning words but with a gentle energy that stems from deep in her inner core.
Mother your yin and your yang upholds me up in your loving hands, I can’t do no wrong, I am now filled with love and with the sparkling gold that adheres all my fears and casts them away, for no longer shall I be a pray of the masculine, the destructive, I shall tame him and blend him like the alchemist that I am. I am in balance, I am in control of it all, the ego now lays dormant, not dead, just subtle and gentle as a lamb.
We are free, we are free, we are free, mother I love you and feel you, you are in me.
10. Manifestation/Meditation moment
Filling The Void
I sometimes feel a void inside, avoid so dark whole. It brings me fear and lonely thoughts how can I run and hide? No one ever seems to understand, the feelings that I feel. So all alone inside this void, I cannot comprehend.
I lived a lie, and search for truth but no one gave me hope, religious lies, I want to hide and free my precious soul. I need a friend, I need someone to help me understand, the fears I face, the truth I hate, sometimes I want to hide.
But then you come, my precious void and pull me to the side, and speak the truth inside my heart I no longer want to hide.
Inside the cave that I create, I push those that come near, please go away, I cannot say, the reasons that I fear. Is it okay to be alone, or should I find my mate? Who will she be, will he be free or will we gravitate? So scared am I inside this hole, the void that I create. A lover quarrel, a dreamers world, so precious to be felt, I am alive, I want to fly and reach you in all ways. Don’t let me go, hold on don’t fold, I really need you mate.
We will create heavens gate, I promise will get through, no more goodbyes, no more divide we will now procreate, a new creation will arise from all the past mistakes. We are the ones, we are the ones, new earth heaven awaits.
11. Manifestation/Meditation moment
Knowing self.
I sit, I ponder, I think, who am I?
Lost in a world of images, brands, programming, I fall from the self and enter another realm. The realm of lies, of deceit, told how to be and how to think.
How do I break free? I search and I search, yet I seem to be stuck in a world in my head, an illusion at best.
It is time to take control, I will no longer be told, what to wear, what to say and when I need to share. I am me, no one else, I don’t want to find myself in this hell.
I can be free to be me, but who am I, where did I come from? Wait, hold on, I will tap inside my heart and be brought to my highest thoughts.
Told to many times to shut up, told to many times that I am wrong, told to many times to learn to get along in a world that is fake and does not have my best interest, but hurts me instead.
No more, no less, I am that I am, today and for the rest of my days. I am free from these chains, from the hurt of societies shame.
I will tell you who I am. I am love, I am hate, I am hot and I am cold, I am free and I am in chains, but I will learn to balance all these ways, to create the perfect soul, a soul that will serve the world. Today is the day that I will learn myself, who I am and where I go, I will learn to discover my world.
I (state your name), promise to take make time every day to learn my heart and soul to find my way, to the best place I can go. I am finally home.
12. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Free Your Soul
When I was young I was told what to do, how to think and how to feel. I had no direction since I was constantly being directed and scorned. I could do no right, I was always told that I was wrong. I lived in fear and learned how to hide my true feelings from the world.
As I grew older, nothing much changed, I was living for others and always felt estranged. Far from the concept of love, far from the concept of one, separated from others and lost in my own world. I tried to fit in, but always felt out, I tried learning the programs, but it was not for me no doubt.
I often felt like a stranger in my own skin, was lust after and probed it felt so wrong to be a girl. I did not want any part of it, I was lost searching for my soul, thinking I could find it somewhere but I was wrong. It was nowhere to be found not in the walls of this place, nowhere in this universe did I feel safe.
But one day when the veil was removed, I found what I was looking for, was in me all along, deep within the silence of my heart, far from my mind. I found her inside me, waiting to be let out.
You to can find the answers within, once you let go of the pain and bring laughter to bring it on in. Find the truth that you have lost, it's not in material things it's not in your house. It's in the paradise of your heart, the heaven within you, that's where it's all about. No preacher, no teacher no dogma will let you be, only when you realize who you were truly meant to be, will you find your soul, your heart and your eternity.
13.Manifestation/Meditation Moment Balance your ego
You came when I needed you, you arrived during my time of darkness, taught me how to survive, how to live among the darkness. I thank you for your service, you were there during my hour of need. Now the time for facing all of my pain is here. The time to grow and evolve becoming free from the hurt, these frustrations, the lies that we created that which has kept us alive all, of these years and of our lifetimes, the time for freedom is finally here.
Ego you have lifted me up when I felt down, when I was down, you gave me the strength to cry, to whine to reach out to others, you were a tool that kept me alive. But now, it is time for me, to set myself free from all of these paradigms, the drama and the need to weep. I am stronger now, I can handle this on my own, I don’t need to create characters wear a false mask, no I don’t need this anymore. I will keep you in a chest, you did your very best, but now, I ( state your name out loud) will confront this world. No need to hide, no need to lie, no need to whine. I am alive, I am strong and I am capable of handling all of this on my own.
The tools I need are right here and in the now. No need to look into the past, no need to foresee tomorrow, I will take each moment, each breath, each heartbeat and manifest the best world and watch the scenarios unfold to the benefit of this my world, you and me, brother and sister together we will create our best earth. Mother, your womb I feel her Her heartbeat, giving me strength and fighting every step of the way, but not with a sword or condemning words but with a gentle energy that stems from deep in her inner core.
Mother your yin and your yang upholds me up in your loving hands, I can’t do no wrong, I am now filled with love and with the sparkling gold that adheres all my fears and casts them away, for no longer shall I be a pray of the masculine, the destructive, I shall tame him and blend him like the alchemist that I am. I am in balance, I am in control of it all, the ego now lays dormant, not dead, just subtle and gentle as a lamb.
We are free, we are free, we are free, mother I love you and feel you, you are in me.
14. Manifestation/meditation moment
We are taught to see, to see ware are taught with our eyes. Yet can we really see what is before us? What are we so afraid of, that we constantly walk around as if we were blind. Blind to the truth, blind to who we are and what we are capable of.
Today we will manifest sight, the sight that we were stripped off when our DNA was disconnected. Today will be the day when the veil is removed and we will see clearly. All intentions, all hidden facts will be revealed.
Close your eyes, as you place your intentions on your pineal gland, the true sight center. I want you to roll your eyes, while your eyes remain closed up to your head. I want you to visualize a lavender light, a healing light that will reconnect you to your true sight. While you visualize this lavender light, I want you to touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, press in and take a deep breath.
You will give the command on the count of three, one, two, three, I can now see, my sight has returned, I can see in the dark, I can see all the things, I will no longer be blind, from this moment on, my third eye is functional just as it has been throughout time.
Breath, breath, take three deep breaths and exhale while saying ahhhhh, sight is good, all is as it should be. And so it is.
15. Manifestation/Meditation moment
Knowing self.
I sit, I ponder, I think, who am I?
Lost in a world of images, brands, programming, I fall from the self and enter another realm. The realm of lies, of deceit, told how to be and how to think.
How do I break free? I search and I search, yet I seem to be stuck in a world in my head, an illusion at best.
It is time to take control, I will no longer be told, what to wear, what to say and when I need to share. I am me, no one else, I don’t want to find myself in this hell.
I can be free to be me, but who am I, where did I come from? Wait, hold on, I will tap inside my heart and be brought to my highest thoughts.
Told too many times to shut up, told to many times that I am wrong, told to many times to learn to get along in a world that is fake and does not have my best interest, but hurts me instead.
No more, no less, I am that I am, today and for the rest of my days. I am free from these chains, from the hurt of societies shame.
I will tell you who I am. I am love, I am hate, I am hot and I am cold, I am free and I am in chains, but I will learn to balance all these ways, to create the perfect soul, a soul that will serve the world. Today is the day that I will learn myself, who I am and where I go, I will learn to discover my world.
I (state your name), promise to take make time every day to learn my heart and soul to find my way, to the best place I can go. I am finally home.
16. Manifestation/Meditation moment
Filling The Void
I sometimes feel a void inside, avoid so dark whole. It brings me fear and lonely thoughts how can I run and hide? No one ever seems to understand, the feelings that I feel. So all alone inside this void, I cannot comprehend.
I lived a lie, and search for truth but no one gave me hope, religious lies, I want to hide and free my precious soul. I need a friend, I need someone to help me understand, the fears I face, the truth I hate, sometimes I want to hide.
But then you come, my precious void and pull me to the side, and speak the truth inside my heart I no longer want to hide.
Inside the cave that I create, I push those that come near, please go away, I cannot say, the reasons that I fear. Is it okay to be alone, or should I find my mate? Who will she be, will he be free or will we gravitate? So scared am I inside this hole, the void that I create. A lover quarrel, a dreamers world, so precious to be felt, I am alive, I want to fly and reach you in all ways. Don’t let me go, hold on don’t fold, I really need you mate.
We will create heavens gate, I promise will get through, no more goodbyes, no more divide we will now procreate, a new creation will arise from all the past mistakes. We are the ones, we are the ones, new earth heaven awaits.
17. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Free Your Soul
When I was young I was told what to do, how to think and how to feel. I had no direction since I was constantly being directed and scorned. I could do no right, I was always told that I was wrong. I lived in fear and learned how to hide my true feelings from the world.
As I grew older, nothing much changed, I was living for others and always felt estranged. Far from the concept of love, far from the concept of one, separated from others and lost in my own world. I tried to fit in, but always felt out, I tried learning the programs, but it was not for me no doubt.
I often felt like a stranger in my own skin, was lust after and probed it felt so wrong to be a girl. I did not want any part of it, I was lost searching for my soul, thinking I could find it somewhere but I was wrong. It was nowhere to be found not in the walls of this place, nowhere in this universe did I feel safe.
But one day when the veil was removed, I found what I was looking for, was in me all along, deep within the silence of my heart, far from my mind. I found her inside me, waiting to be let out.
You to can find the answers within, once you let go of the pain, and bring laughter to bring it on in. Find the truth that you have lost, it's not in material things it's not in your house. It's in the paradise of your heart, the heaven within you, that's where it's all about. No preacher, no teacher no dogma will let you be, only when you realize who you were truly meant to be, will you find your soul, your heart and your eternity.
18. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Healing from Your Story
The need to explain, to show the world, your intentions and your meaning, the need to be heard. Who must you convince when you create your story? Who are you trying to reach when you give someone glory?
Are you the one that has to fight? Or are you here just to live your un-regrettable life? Are you afraid of what others think of you? What is at stake if you give up your sight? The blind walk free while the ones that claim to see are lost in this world that they call their own.
You bring in your own despair, you call in the ones that come straight from “hell”, the demons you summon come from your head, your own turmoil, and drama that you need to defend. Live life in your peace, the light that you share, should not be darkened by your own despair. It is you with the brush and easel in your hand, you have the right to draw the line on that beautiful sand.
Don’t forget where you come from, don’t forget why you are here, there is no obstacle that will stop you from being revealed. To learn who you are, the mission you steer, be alive, be in love, be in the one. The absolute, the divine, the energy of love.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than you are, be granted be happy, be up in the clouds. Rise up great creators, the ones that are here to shine the bright light that will help others heal.
19. Manifestation/Mediation Moment
How do we heal? This is a question we often ask each other and our self. Many give their powers away by going to get healing from the man in a white coat.
Others feel they get healed by going to church, they surround themselves around prayers and some even heal by sitting alone.
Healing seems to be nowhere in sight when the lights are on and it gets near the night. We are afraid to trust the voice in our heart, that speaks ever so slowly and tries to be smart.
Where are the angels when you need them the most? Who is our savior who will be there to host, the dawn, the new age, the beginning, and the end, it is you my sweet family, that will heal our own self.
No broken promises, no one to tell, just the tribe, just the family that we have created living here in this hell. We have cried, we have laughed, we have told our darkest secrets, and watched our healing unfold. We have honor, we have love, what a blessing we have become, we are stronger than ever, and its only just begun, for the fight of our life will be heading our way, not to worry, don’t feel sorry, for this we have prepared all of our lives.
20. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Let us manifest freedom, let us see our truth and divinity. Let no man or system continue to instill fear or take away our sovereignty. Why do we continue to play this game? Why are we giving our power away?
We are the ones we have been waiting for, there is no man in a cloud coming to save us if we don’t save ourselves we will be doomed to forever live in this hell. Remove the veil from your eyes, your soul never dies, let us stop the mess that we have made, we have given it all away. Stop no more fake gods or false delusion.
Its time to awaken from this confusion. Be free, rise up and start running into the divine, the one that is in you, not away from you. No worship, no pleading, it is your divine right and your infusion, it is in your blood and right, stand up my brothers and sisters do not give up the fight.
I see you, I know you, you have been here before, yes you, I am talking to you, don’t overthink this, just do it, you know you can, stop living in this corrupted land, and make a change to help yourself and others, lets leave this hell hole my brothers,
sisters, you can do this I know you can, it was Lilith who kicked their ass. She is powerful and almighty we will feel her power within the upcoming, months, years I am certain, do not fear. It is time, it is time, the time it is…. And so it is loved ones.
22. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Healing from Your Story
The need to explain, to show the world, your intentions and your meaning, the need to be heard. Who must you convince when you create your story? Who are you trying to reach when you give someone glory?
Are you the one that has to fight? Or are you here just to live your un regretable life? Are you afraid of what others think of you? What is at stake if you give up your sight? The blind walk free while the ones that claim to see are lost in this world that they call their own.
You bring in your own despair, you call in the ones that come straight from “hell”, the demons you summon come from your head, your own turmoil, and drama that you need to defend. Live life in your peace, the light that you share, should not be darkened by your own despair. It is you with the brush and easel in your hand, you have the right to draw the line on that beautiful sand.
Don’t forget where you come from, don’t forget why you are here, there is no obstacle that will stop you from being revealed. To learn who you are, the mission you steer, be alive, be in love, be in the one. The absolute, the divine, the energy of love.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than you are, be granted be happy, be up in the clouds. Rise up great creators, the ones that are here to shine the bright light that will help others heal.
23. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
The sun shines and feeds our earth. It has been there as a constant and it has many powers. It helps our plants grow, providing warmth and a force of enlightenment for all to know. To know the truth when we gaze during certain times of the day, we should understand its true worth and learn that without it we cannot play.
We are greater than we have been lead to know, we have the kingdom inside us and by this we need to know our worth.
Please go inside yourself for once and realize that the spark of divinity shines on and shines twice. Once for the descending, and another for the ascending, it is the fuel that brought us here and the one that will get us out.
Escape from the grid comes from this light source, not the white light but the other light through the side of the pole. Be free for once, stop being slaves of this Arcon source, you have got the power and you are more than you know.
24. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
How many of you are being true to your spirituality? Are you where you want to be? Have you let go of your image, your earthly avatar, your creation? Or are you still living based on your meat suits need? No judgment, but I want you to think what is still keeping you in bondage? What do you hope to accomplish by this?
What is your price? What is your vice, the thing that keeps you tied up to the self and your past? The mirror does it call you, or maybe it’s, someone, something that owns you.
Are you prepared to face the man, the one that will determine if you leave this plan, the shift you need has it happened yet, or are you still stuck in this rotten material plane? The factory, the machine that governs your every move. Your not what you want, you only pretend to be true.
You think you are awake but are you really just asleep. Do you feel your emotions are they governing your worldly needs, you are moving in a circle but with nowhere to turn. You are stuck in this matrix, yet you think you’ve escaped, it is time to step up on your spiritual game.
What excuse do you have to continue this path? You’ve forgotten the reason you came here, at last, wake up spirit warrior, stop making excuses for your apathy and lack of devotion, this is not just a school but poetry in motion. You are here to remember and to execute the real plan, not some fluffy new age potion that just soothes your emotions.
Harsh words must be spoken to raise your intent, to step up the program that will help you escape, no more fear, no more guilt, no more waiting around, for the saving concoction that is not to be found. You are it, do remember, and stop wasting our time, we are one, we are divine and you need to step up.
25. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
A flower blooms, it grows from the ground, that same ground we walked on since the beginning of time. We came from that same place, we are just particles and stardust that have been spread from out of space. We claim to be better than most that roamed on this earth. Not respecting, yet intending to destroy it all.
Fast, wake up fast, the destruction is faster than the forbidden task, we see, and we can hear, that her heart is beat beating from her fearless tears. She knows where to go, but her love for you holds to you steadfast, and she wants you to grow.
Don’t you look back, let it go, it is time for the rapture are you ready to go? But let us understand, the true meaning of rapture, the meaning we must all share, it's not being lifted or removed from this earth, it is simply a new transformation that includes you and I both.
Think DNA, the strands from above, the coils will unravel and begin to display, a new form of life of existence that will take you away, from the old living standard, and you will be changed, you’ll have a new standard a new person replaced.
26. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Let us release what is not serving us today. Let's take this time
to do inventory on our feelings, to include, regret, guilt, unattended
that we have placed on a back burner. We must learn to
Decipher this feeling, understand them in order to progress with our
We can’t let fear and the unknowing cultivate a space in our journey
Of self-discovery. Many are still in denial of who they are, who they serve and whom they wish to become. Take this time to go deep within, find out who you are, not just your physical self, or what you have been
Programmed to believe, but who your soul really is.
Repeat after me, I am love, I am Devine, I nurture the inner child,
Given my permission to reveal myself, to myself. I can not escape
My awakening, there is nothing or anyone that can stop what will
Take place. I am free of all the bondages that I have placed upon myself.
I am humbled by my life choices that have brought me to where I am
No more obstacles, no more excuses, and no more interferences.
I am ready, in the here and now. I will listen to my inner voice, she/he is Speaking to me now. I am humbled, and I grateful for the opportunity to open up the gateway of my truth and discernment.
I will make it my mission, to take time every day, to listen to my inner
Voice and calling. Nothing will stop me from achieving what I am
Meant to achieve. From this day forward, I grant permission to
Be freed, be in tune, be aware and awake, and promise to learn who I am.
27. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Often, we are stuck in our own reality, forgetting that we are all connected. It’s time we raise the vibration as a collective. Let us manifest a planet where there is no need for money or corruption. What is keeping us enslaved? Why are we still living this reality?
When we learn to step away from our own desires and wants, we can make a difference in creating a place where we all can co-exist as one. When we learn that our own desires will not manifest the union and true love filled planet, then and only then will we be able to see the fruit of our creation as a whole.
Let us manifest, love without condition, to include the love of every sentient being, let us create a world where there is no need for weapons, no need for borders, or documentation. Let us create a world where there is only caring attributes and a nurturing sense for all.
I am enough, we are one, I am you, you are me, we are divine as a whole, let us unite. Close your eyes and create a union with all loving souls extend your arms out and touch the collective, the collective that we are all part of. Feel love for every human being on this planet, begin by creating the bond, that you failed to create when you were younger, with your loving parents, friends, relatives, and extend that bond with others. Make it a point tomorrow when you are out and about, to smile to every human you encounter. Make eye contact, make it a point to say good day or good night to those you meet. We are all one.
28. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Creating a world of peace has been the focus of many who have roamed this earth. But how can we create outer peace, when we fail to have inner peace?
Let us ask ourselves, what is the missing ingredient? What are we failing to understand and see within our self that is creating the reality we see outside of us?
Who are we trying to kid, when we continue to blame others for our downfall and finding every excuse in the book to stay stagnant, hurt, in fear with guilt and lack of inner peace?
What feelings are we creating, and what excuse are we using to continue to play this game? Who are we helping when we continue the same?
Think of a time you felt hurt. I want you to hold this feeling, sit with it. I want you to break it apart, and really understand what this feeling feels like. Does it make you angry? Or does it make you want to cry? Do you want to run away? How does this feel deep in your core?
Now take this feeling and visualize it in a kaleidoscope, turning around and around, changing shapes and colors. Find the color or shape that most appeals to you. Is it a circle, or a star, or is it a straight line? Is it green, blue, purple? Become that shape and color, do not judge it, just become it. Disarm the emotion behind it, and feel it as part of you. You no longer need to fight it, or feel its hurting effect, because you are one with it. It can’t hurt you anymore, because you have made it part of you, and it is no longer alive, in a negative way, but alive in a positive beautiful collage. You have the power to change it and make it as you so desire. You, after all, are a creator God, and you are in control of your emotions, you create them after all.
29.Manifestation/Meditation Moment
A day to day meditation can improve your thought process and wellbeing. Finding the time to disconnect from your daily chores and typical routine can improve your overall health and moods.
I find that a meditative moment that will improve your morning and the rest of your day, can be first thing in the morning. Set your alarm clock 20 min earlier than your intended wake up time. And lay in bed while performing the following: I know that many will hesitate to give up 20 min of sleep but this will add a better day for you, than if you had slept those extra minutes.
Lay still while concentrating on your breath, make sure that you are comfortable and focus on your belly, as you place one hand on your stomach and the other over your chest. I want you to breathe in through your nose and out your mouth. As you breath in make sure that your belly rises and as you breathe out to make sure it goes down.
Now I want you to visualize your day, creating the routine that you wish to take place. Literally planning out your day, from getting in the shower to making your breakfast, to getting in your car and driving.
Visualize your day at work, and create certain set points that you wish to take place. Then I want you to say keywords that will make you remember your intentions. Remember to smile at people, make eye contact, be verbal and loving to all you encounter. Set forth peaceful intentions for yourself and those you work with.
Now I want you to repeat after me. I love my life, I love everything about my routine, I love and send positive affirmations to all that surround me. I am perfect and very productive, I am loving, caring and patient.
I am free from negative thinking and everything I set my intentions on will happen. Everyone I meet today will create a positive response and I in them. No one can hurt me, I am healthy and full of life and light.
30. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
I want to start focusing on factors that will help improve our daily life and well being. Tonight we will manifest self-love. Many people believe they truly love themselves but do they really?
Let me ask you a question, or should I say, let me ask the inner child in you this question. Do you like who you are? Do you feel unconditional love about every aspect of your life? How you look, how you feel, how you smell and how you react to situations in life? Are you fully complete in all of your aspects? If there is a slight doubt or the answer is no in any of these questions, I want you to do the following:
I want you to think about the very thing that you said no to, and go back to the very first time this became an issue. Was it during childhood? Did someone tell you, you were ugly? Did someone shame you for behaving a certain way? Go back in time, relive this moment. Think of yourself as that child, and face that person that hurt you, that scolded you, that told you, you were ugly, and forgive them. Tell them, you love them, and that you don’t agree with what they are saying. Replace their words with new words and affirmations that will change that moment and time.
So let's recreate the time when your brother or sister told you, you are ugly, and replace the words they are saying with you are perfect, you are made in divinity and beautiful just the way you are. Here the words, feel the love, recreate the moment and remove the negative one from our hard drive. Whatever the situation that has created the self-hatred, or doubt, or incongruence with your light being. Whatever is making you live and react at lower levels, we need to reset and redirect.
Let us create a reset button for future self-doubt, future decoding for whenever someone triggers a memory of pain, rejection, abandonment or anything that will create a reaction from old wounds. Touch your temple on your head, and repeat these words: I am enough, I am divine, I am perfect the way I am. I don’t lack anything, I am beautiful, and I am whole.
Repeat these words and touch the right side of your head, your temple, to reprogram and remove old wounds and thought patterns.
31. Manifestation/meditation moment
How many times have we heard the words you are not enough? Usually, we are the ones telling ourselves this. We base our self worth on our looks, how our hair appears that day, what we wear, but is this a true depiction of our worth?
How many times have you looked in the mirror today? How many times did you disapprove of what you saw? Does this really matter, is that all you are worth, the image you are trying to create, is that all you are about?
How about thinking about someone else? How have you made a difference in the world? Where you frowning all day because you were not happy with your physical presentation? Or did you get out of your own head, and made it a point to make someone else's life better? Maybe a smile or a look of acknowledgment that made someone's day? Maybe connecting with your true self vs the self in the mirror? What did you do today, to get to know the real you, not the reflection of you?
Instead of being enamored with who you think you should be, why not be enamored by the true essence of you, the spirit that fills that temple instead of the temple itself. Be the light that you wish to see in the world, instead of the participating in the darkness that dims the light of others.
Be kind to yourself, accept all your imperfections, and do not try to alter the plan mother/father has created for you. You may ask how do I know what that plan is? If your life is not filled with love, happiness, and peace, then you know you are not on the right path. If its hard to deal with your everyday life, and you are constantly upset, fighting with yourself and others, then you are not on the right path. If you need to explain yourself, and are seeking validation from others, then you are not on the right path.
Free yourself from yourself, and give your heart and life to the mission, and the mission is to unite, to free and to connect with your tribe. Be a gift to all, be in love and be free.
32. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
Find reasons or motives that will help you regain the spark you have lost from childhood. Do you remember the glee you felt when you were younger? The time you were outside playing with your friends? How time seemed to pass by without a care in the world.
As adults, we tend to lose that imagination, the innocence we had. What happened, how did we lose it? If we could only go back in time, gather those feelings and thoughts, and place it in our here and now.
Remember the ice cream man? That sweet music and that lovely truck that we awaited day after day. The many wonderful memories and feelings we felt. The smell in the air, so pure and crisp. Can you imagine and remember those days?
A game of hopscotch, playing catch with our dad. Our first kiss. The first time we drove a car? So many first and wonderful memories, what did we do with them? Are they stored in a special place? Can you access them now?
Are you ready to learn how to activate your happy place? Memories serve a wonderful purpose for our library of life. Whenever we are down, accessing memories that will bring us joy, is a beautiful tool to change our moods and way of thinking.
Run the movie in your head, instead of reaching for comfort food, or an engaging in bad behavior, take a ride into memory lane. Engage in practical visualization and learn to change your moods and thoughts. You are the master of your universe. Stay in line with Mother/Fathers love and intent for your life and you will soon be able to be free from the ills of this world.
33. Manifestation/Meditation Moment
What is your favorite color? What is your favorite scent? When you are down what is your favorite comfort food? When you are happy, what is your favorite song? We have many favorite things that we have made part of our life.
We are dependent on things to bring us up, and we blame things that bring us down. Are we so vulnerable and addicted to the world that we have created? How do you know when you are actually aligning yourself with love or hate?
How can you turn on the beacon in your heart chakra, the center of your chest that serves as a tool of recognition for good or evil? Would you be able to recognize the divine if he she spoke to you?
Here is an exercise you can use to improve your honing device for love and truth. Let's go back to memory lane. Go back when you were just a child, when your mother held you close and you could hear her heartbeat. You remember that sound, how about can her breath when your head went up and down as she held you, while she fed you, do you remember her smell and the taste of her milk?
Do you remember when she sang you to sleep? You had no care in the world. Your spiritual mother has placed her sent on you, you carry her DNA, and her every presence is within you. Although you may not consciously remember, you belong to her and she to you. Nothing nor anyone can pull you apart or take you away from her.
Although we have been tampered with by a lower entity, he cannot remove mother/father from you. You are always protected and can ask for them whenever you are in need. They have provided you with everything you need, all you have to do is remember and think back at the time where you were one and connected. This is all a bad dream that will soon come to an end.
34. Manifestation/Meditation moment
All we have is the now, we pretend there is a tomorrow or even a past, but when you get down to it, what do we actually have? Memories are a collection of images and pictures clustered in feelings, but are they real? Tomorrow is a notion we create in our imagination, and we play with themes and thoughts that are just pieces of emotions that we put together to create our world.
But what is all really? Any concrete evidence, that nothing but this earth and the heavens the skies above that we can’t even begin to understand or place in a solid communication, or set forth an actual plan. Word, words, scenarios that unfold, without any true interactions other than the ones we have placed here to recreate on its own.
Nothing really matters we are like hamsters on a wheel, repeating the same actions, and expecting a different outcome. What do we plan to accomplish, building houses, tearing down trees, like a parasite we consume and we bleed, but the blood has no value, only paper does, why is that?
Why does life not matter, babies dying, circumcision, vaccines, illnesses spreading and we still bleed, bleeding every day, but nothing changes. We collect more trinkets and toys, is this suppose to make things better? We kill each other for what? Money, green paper without any true value? When are we going to say enough is enough, let us put down our weapons, let us tear down the house, the house of cards, that we have created. We keep blaming the Gods, the government and each other, yet why are we not tearing this down?
What is it going to take, I am willing and ready to stand up by your side, to give up all I have got, just to find our peace, to destroy the things that we don’t need and to go home to our creators, the ones with the sound heart and mind, the ones that are not blind, but love us with all their might.
35. Manifestation/Meditation moment
There at times when we must make decisions that will benefit the overall good for all. We must learn to step out of self, and allow the flow of life. Everything with a beginning has an end, to expect otherwise, is to have false expectations.
You can only give your all, and when your all is not good enough, then we must realize that the time to move on is here. We can’t be bound to anything in life, we must be prepared to let it all go.
We must be strong, and realize that life has many challenges, and that the only constant in life is change. Change is good and we must welcome all changes, and be grateful for it.
We must learn to be in the now, we must also be willing to give all of you, and never take yourself seriously, for we are only here for a short moment in time. I hope that as the earth shifts and the many changes that will be brought in by the awakened, that we can all continue to grow as one consciousness and to heal.
Healing and unconditional love is what we need to be able to cross the bridge that we will have to cross in the upcoming days and years. We must be in love and not in fear, to overcome all the obstacles and heart aches that will be coming our way.
Be light, be love, and be free.
Learning how to speak to our creator has always been a challenge for most, should we be formal, informal or somewhere in between. Whinny prayers seem like a turn off to me and demanding ones make me feel uncomfortable. I learn to ask my heavenly parents how they wish for me to speak to them.
I enter my heart space, remove my shoes and leave my ego behind. I return to my child like nature, and start to speak in humility and in love. I noticed that when I do this, she/he becomes overwhelmed with love and joy, I sense this, as a warm loving feeling comes over me, and I know I am connecting with the great I am. I find no need to worry if my beloved parent is listening or not, because I know that they know every word that comes out of my mouth before I speak it. In fact, I know they are always listening to my every thought and needs. They know I never ask for more than I need, and that I will be obedient.
As I manifest and visualize the world that I wish to create, I know that it is guided by Mother and Father without a doubt, for as we grow into our spiritual love and understanding we know we are not separate from them on the contrary we are together with every breath I take.
How do you feel about your creator, how do you pray or manifest? Do you feel comfortable using words, or is silence and being present in your heart is all it takes.
Mother Father please let all of your children become conscious and aware of your love and dedication to your children. Let them know you love them, so they can spread this love across the earth. Let us mother understand the mission and spread the fruit that you wish for us all to eat and share. I am humbled by your love and your guidance, how I ever strayed from the path that you wanted for me, or maybe it was this path that you wanted me to take, so that I would land right where I am,, in your loving arms and care. I Maritza am your daughter and will forever hold you in high regards for ye are my mother and father and for thee I live for.
38. Manifestation/Prayer Moment
Let’s us Understand our journey, when we get a glimpse into our past from eyes of an observer, we may see something different than what we experienced during the time we were creating it.
Sometimes we fail to see what is right in front of us, we make up our own scenarios and all that goes with it. But if we learn to see things like a spectator, we may be able to actually find a different view or see things with different eyes.
What drives you? What are you waiting for? Are you waiting to be saved, or are you going to be an active participant in your life’s journey.
Do you hold the keys to your spiritual healing or are you dependent on your healing on others?
Raise your vibration, you do this by bringing your heart into another level, a level of acceptance, reassurance, and peace. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, who ever you believe in, make your intent one of gratitude and oneness with the all. Grow your spirit as if it where a garden, a blooming flower, ready for expansion. Shine your light onto the world and watch how your intent helps others raise their intent. We are all connected and we are all one.
Remember who you are, where you came from and why you are here. Don’t ever live in the past, or look into the future for all we have is the now. Now go and climb that mountain, walk on that endless road, look up, then look in and awaken the divinity that you were provided with and spread your wings and fly.
39. Manifestation Prayer Moment
Sometimes we seem to let the things around us control our mood and mental wellbeing. Have we ever attempted to find a way to bypass these thoughts? If we realize that we are the creators of these thoughts, we then can reprogram the way we think. Finding the triggers and becoming aware of what they do to us, is a start. For instance someone says something that offends you, you can either fully embrace the feeling of being hurt, or you can not take it personal. If we realize that people most of the time say things to either get a rise out of you, or say something to try to make themselves feel better, you then can realize that it has nothing to do with you, don’t take things personal.
People are working through their own traumas, dramas and situations, that have absolutely nothing to do with you. Find a pattern and re create it to fit your paradigm. Don’t allow others to dictate your life or mood. You only have one God, if you give a person the satisfaction to alter your mood, you make them your God. If you allow a person to get under your skin, you made them your king. We only have on king and his name is Yeshua.
Let us pray for the well being of the lost souls in our world, let us pray for the ones that are still far from home, let us pray for the children who are being abused and sold, let us pray for the widow who did not get to see her husband come home from war. Let us pray that our leaders hearts will stop turning cold, but instead they will be freed from this corporate monster that only wants gold.
Heavenly Father, I know that you never gives us more than we can handle, I know you have a plan for our world, we trust you and your judgment but please father make our pain more tolerable, give us patience and let us be kind to one another. I want to take this time father to thank you for all you have done for us, your loving heart and compassion for us all, even though many have spit in your face and have cursed your name, but you still hold them dear and love them through it all.
Thank you father for being kind and gentle, we know who you are, not the imposter that has taken over this world, but soon father this will be no more, we will be by your side, smiling and dining as your bride. For it is you who created our soul, our hearts and not this forsaken world, we see you, we feel you, we love you Father. In the name of your son our brother and savior Yeshua we pray, and so it is, and so it is.
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