Transition Radio Show

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It's time to break free from the programming while reaching your highest potential.

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Cracking The Fat Code


1      ACTIVATING MUSCLE RECEPTORS VIA OXYGEN INPUT AND VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES ( By teaching the body to accept oxygen without trauma, cell activation through verbal and visual command)  *** The common pathway of aerobic leads to production of damaging free radical, which in turn is harmful for your health.  In turn, breathing techniques incorporated with functional stretching will not replicate harmful free radical production; instead will create a harmony within the cellular system preparing the grounds for transformation.
2      CREATING NEURAL AND NUTRITIONAL PATHWAYS TO CREATE MUSCLE GROWTH ( Like our natural development during infancy, a recreation of pathways will allow new neuronal pathways to take place, this is done through peripheral nervous system activation induced through specific movements and manual techniques)*** via balanced nutrition and specific combination of food chemical reaction will take place that will allow changes in our nervous system, hormonal makeup, vascular integrity and overall anabolic response.
3      CHANGING YOUR GENETIC CODE TO ACTIVATE TRANSFORMATION VIA NUTRITION, SUPPLEMENTATION, AND SPECIFIC WORK OUT TECHNIQUES DEPENDENT ON LEVERAGE, AND MUSCULAR BLUE PRINT. (Your ancestors created the ground work for the physique you see today in the mirror.  There environment, stressors, activity level and content, dictated the overall genetic make up you see today).
  **** To recreate or introduce a new code to your system one must mimic specific chemical content to produce a change within your cellular makeup.  These chemical interactions are created via supplements, food combination, unique functional movements that activate general receptors within your neuromuscular system.
4      A 20 WEEK ACTIVATION PERIOD IS NEEDED TO SET A FOUNDATION FOR TRANSFORMATION TO TAKE PLACE. (We will tear down the old foundation and recreate a new one, by following the above techniques.  Certain individuals require longer period of time depending were they are in their developmental coding and metabolic state).

PHASE 1                                 RECREATE  ACTIVE POINTS IN MUSCLE CELLS,
                                                NEURONAL PATHWAYS AND DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.
                                                BALANCING ACIDITY AND ALKALINATY IN YOUR
                                                CELL SYSTEM.  BATTLE HERE IS TO KEEP CLIENT                                                                     FROM FALLING INTO CRAVINGS AND TEMPTATIONS.
                                                CLIENT NEEDS TO SEE THE LIGHT AT THE END OF
                                                THE TUNNEL.  THEY NEED TO REALIZE THAT IF THEY                                                             FALL INTO TEMPTATION, THE PROCESS IS RUINED, ITS
                                                LIKE STARTING FROM SCRATCH.  CHANGING OF                                                                      CHEMICALS REQUIRES CONSISTANCY, THIS IS NOT
                                                A DIET, IT’S A FOUNDATION SYSTEM FOR                                                                                   TRANSFORMATION.

YELLOW                                 STORING.  BODY STARTS TO BUILD NEW MUSCLE
                                                CELLS.  THIS WILL LEAD TO MUSCLE GROWTH.
                                                NEUROMUSCULAR PATHWAY DEVELOPED                                                                                 GROUND WORK SET.  ADVANCING TECHNIQUES
                                                WILL CREATE GREATER PUMP INSIDE MUSCLE

CODE :   WEEK 15-20             MUSCLE GROWTH & FAT BURNING MORE                                  
GREEN                                    PREVALENT.  FOUNDATION SET, FROM NOW ON
                                                CONTINUOS PROGRESS IS SEEN.  FOR FASTER
                                                ADVANCEMENT, ONE MUST PERFORM ADVANCE
                                                TECHNIQUES BOTH IN TRAINING AND IN MEAL
                                                PLANNING.  NOW IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME
                                                FOR FULL DEVELOPMENT TO TAKE PLACE.


Active breathing:         teaching the lungs to expand, to hold full capacity of oxygen.  Teaching the                                          lungs to exhale entirely, releasing toxins deep within its cavities.  Once this is
                                    Mastered, working out the lungs and diaphragm to create greater endurance
                                    and greater oxygen delivery to your muscles and deep cells.

Instructions:                 in sitting bring both hands on stomach, push your stomach out while bringing
                                    air inside the lung via the nose.  Bring stomach back in as flat as possible,
                                    while exhaling via the mouth.  Advance: lying down, while pushing stomach                                         out hold position for a count of 10, same during exhalation.

Passive stretch:             by taking the muscle to an extreme position of stretch, active receptors within
                                    the joint and tendons will be activated.  Rule of thumb, there can’t be strength
                                    where there is tightness.  It is favorable to have some one stretch you over you
                                    stretching yourself.  Various angles and degrees are used within each muscle
                                    group, eliciting mild discomfort is ok; never take muscle pass end feel.

Training:                     utilizing light weights with high repetition 15-30 range will increase                                                      connection between the brain and the muscle.  This in turn will increase                                               pathways for oxygen and circulation to reach the muscle, which in turn allows                                      the muscle to get fed.  Utilizing different degrees and angles will create a
                                    challenging workout, which will elicit a burn and greater pump within the
                                    muscle itself.


Recuperative:               Teach the body to eat many small meals through out the day.  Combined
                                    with the 3 macro nutrients: protein, carbs and fats.  (All foods will be
                                    whole, natural and calorie dense.  Food for your cells).   This new way of
                                    eating will increase thermogenics (faster metabolism). 

Specific chemicals:      Adding supplements as therapy for a malfunctioning system will increase
                                    the healing capabilities of your body.  By investigating your bodies deficiency,
                                    symptoms, and ailments, a supplemental regimen will be created to assist with
                                    the healing process. This includes vitamins and mineral and herbs.

Water Therapy:            By increasing your normal water intake 1 litter per 50 pounds at first, the
                                    body will be able to perform adequately.  Your cells need to be properly
                                    hydrated to function.  Your intake will increase.  The use of distilled water
                                    will be introduce in phases.

Your cells:                    By re coding the way your cells react to carbs, proteins and fats, the body will
                                    not store fat, nor will it convert carbs into sugar.  When one adds certain
                                    substances to your food program the body reacts in specific way.  Eliminating
                                    starchy carbs from your daily intake, forces the body to use stored fat for                                              energy.  Increasing your healthy fats will minimize lethargy and cravings for
                                    carbs.  After a period of time, the body will learn to utilize the carbs instead of
                                    converting them for storage.  By adding supplements like glutamine, apple                                           cider vinegar, chromium, and kelp, your body will be opt to utilize the carb                                               inside the muscle cells instead of storing them as fat.  Each individual will
                                    be placed on different combinations for their oxidative type (how quickly
                                    food get utilized after consumption) a strict journal will be kept, to plot the
                                    course of action.


Peripheral process
Programming:             isometric combined with isosculpting techniques will enhance the development
                                    of the working muscle.  This in turn will increase muscle size and the ability
                                    for the muscle to go beyond its genetic capabilities.  In addition, adding
                                    peripheral movements to educate the nerve pathway will improve the                                                     conduction created from the brain via peripheral nervous system. 

Instructions:                 eliminate other muscles capability of assisting in the particular movement.
                                    create contraction without moving the joint.  This in turn creates a greater
                                    blood flow to the affected body part, hence greater flow of oxygen and blood,
                                    to the working muscle. This equates to better nutrient flow.

Visualization:               mind over matter is the protocol, command the muscle to feel, flex and grow.
Verbalize                      Give the working muscle cues and verbal input that will assist with the
                                    interaction of its environment.  Without visualization and verbalization, you                                         are just going through mindless motion that will not create little to any results.


Proper oxidation:        At this stage the body is accepting nutrition, protein is being broken down
                                    efficiently and being routed to the activated receptors throughout your
                                    Neuromuscular System.  Carbs are being used for cell use inside the muscle.
                                    Fats are now being utilized in nerve conduction, joint lubrication, and                                                  hormonal interactions.  If plan has been followed consistently, all should be
                                    in good working order.

Increase the load:        Greater protein intake can be introduced in this stage, with careful monitoring
                                    of the fat percentage, not to permit over spilling to take place.  Protein in                                              excess can convert to sugar by the liver and get stored into your fat cells.  As
                                    increase in protein begins, increase in water consumption with enzymatic                                             therapy to assist with protein absorption.

The macro nutrients:    Playing with the ratio of carbs, fats and protein to reach an optimal fat
                                    burning and muscle building regimen is encouraged at this stage.  Finding
                                    out what best suits the individual.  The goal is to increase muscle mass
                                    without adding body fat.  Prevent muscle loss with fat increase.


Techniques:                 Proper alignment is reinforced for proper muscle development.  At this stage
                                    deeper muscle development is encouraged by utilizing multi techniques at one
                                    time.  The use of multi joint systems with the use of coordination can create
                                    a greater response from the muscle fibers and a quicker reaction from the
                                    nervous system.

the load:                      As load is being accepted by the growing muscle, increase, however, making
                                    sure the body accepts the increase.  For every increase in load, provide
                                    regenerative therapy.  This is done by matching the amount of reps in
                                    Consecutive order following the load increase.  For instance if your load was
                                    Increased by 10 pounds add 10 reps to the movement.  This will ensure blood
                                    Flow and cartilage repair.

Cardio:                        Decrease cardio load, if one was performing 4 days a week bring down to 3
                                    and so on.  This will enforce less muscle break down for greater muscle\


Glycemic foods:           The body should be able to tolerate higher glycemic foods after the work out
                                    and first thing in the morning, this will help with muscle repair.  At this stage
                                    Carbs are efficiently used for enzymatic response and not stored.

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