Transition Radio Show

Any of the opinions or beliefs are ours, we do not expect anyone to follow our path or advice. You all have free will and should consult your health care professional for further information. We are not affiliated with our guests and their views and opinions are theirs.

It's time to break free from the programming while reaching your highest potential.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

TRS Presents An Interview With Taylor: A Mothers Perspective

Taylor is a 42-year-old mother of two, who has a 13-year-old daughter who Identifies as transgender and has expressed her need of wanting to be a boy. Originally Taylor had affirmed her child because she was worried that If she didn’t her child could be a statistic with the feared trans propaganda of suicide. Now she is going back on this after careful consideration and seeing what the outcome of transition brings, their child struggling with this.   #DomesticAbuse advocate, #survivor & Campaigner. All views are my own. Mother to #ROGD child. Adult Human Female

Sunday, June 19, 2022

TRS Presents An Interview With David Arthur: Exposing Darkness

David has a powerful testimony of deliverance from a very perverted life; including transgender prostitution, molestation, drug addiction, gambling, alcohol, as well as being healed from his deathbed with full-blown AIDS, no immune system, infections in his brain and blood, severe Osteoporosis, diabetes, and the list goes on and on.

What a Mighty GOD we serve! 

He quotes: “There is a huge difference between "denying self" and denying our design”.

David was sexually abused from around the age of 5. He contracted HIV/AIDS at age fourteen. And by age 37 was on his deathbed. That was in 2009. But GOD!!

With his body weakening, in a hospital bed that was placed in his bedroom at home, David knew he was headed for hell. He knew that hell was what he deserved for all of the horrible things he had done to others. He cried out to God in desperation. Afraid to die and not wanting to go to hell. David Arthur hit rock bottom and turned to JESUS The CHRIST. HE heard David’s cry. 

GOD showed David the difference between "denying self" (lusts of the flesh) and denying his own design. David now knows and accepts that he is same-sex attracted. David sees this Truth very clearly and as a part of his design, not his fallen nature. This is based on 2 Corinthians 5:17.

2 Corinthians 5:17 ~ "Therefore, if anyone is in The CHRIST, he is a new creature;

the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 

David says, "I have surrendered. I am in The CHRIST. Old things have passed away. All of my confusion and deceit as well as thoughts and emotions have truly passed away. Many things from my past remain, but why? Because they are a part of my design, my make-up, not of my old nature.

#RESIDUE is not your typical documentary film, as it not only tells the true life experience of David Arthur, but it also exposes some dark practices within the #lgbTQia+ & #Gender #Ideology #Movements. 

David is NOT Anti-Gay, as he is an openly #homosexual #minister of The #Gospel.

Through a life littered with #molestation, #drugs, #prostitution and so much more; from #HIV to #AIDS, the juvenile detention to #prison; to his #deathbed. You do not want to miss hearing David tell of the dangers of Gender Ideology and being enveloped, bamboozled, and indoctrinated by the movement of "love" and "rainbows”.

Using myself as the illustration, as a former trans-identified person, w/ decades of life's knowledge & experience in that world, I can say that the confusion of gender dysphoria, or better known as transgenderism, is absolutely mutable & curable!

We are born either male or female. Our DNA is not the only deciding factor, and it is not about appearance either. We all have over 6,500 genetic markers that make us distinctly male or distinctly female. It is literally impossible for a male to have a "female brain".

No surgery, procedure, pill, or shot in the world can change our biological sex. Changing sex is not an option. Even with sexual reassignment surgery (AKA 'gender-affirming-surgery'), we remain what and who we were created to be, even if we choose to mutilate our genitalia.

Monday, June 13, 2022

TRS Presents An Interview With Patrick Quezada: Back On Track

Hello, my name is Patrick Quezada I am turning 42 this August-born and raised in Denver Colorado extremely close with my mother she is my best friend my father is not actively in my life addiction has ran on both sides of my family.

Since growing up alcoholism and drug addiction were in my life for many years,I experienced rejection from a very young age, and suffered from an eating disorder of anorexia and bulimia with very low self-esteem.

I gained weight in high school and middle school nearly 300 pounds was made fun of for it was then I started my eating disorder looking for love in all the wrong places I met many men and was a serial monogamist my ex-boyfriend of nearly 5 years cheated on me and gave me HIV in 2011.

After that, I was severely depressed and went off the deep end the drug use got way worse when the alcoholism to drinking a bottle of vodka turned into popping ecstasy pills to find a false euphoria and escape which later graduated to a very dark and sexual world with crystal meth party and play was normal for me to hook up with many guys on grinder and have sex for drugs.

My dope dealer was my ex, a very abusive relationship I eventually got married and found out that my ex-husband was not who he said he was, a sex offender and bank robber. When I almost died from my drug addiction, mom introduced me to victory outreach ministries which allowed me to seek treatment and salvation with God.

I surrendered my life in 2016 fast forward three years I was clean then was devastated once again by a friend of mine I trusted that happened to be a pastor at another church that I was going to was my roommate and promised to be my accountability partner he started acting very inappropriately towards me one day I went out and had drinks with my friends for my birthday I blacked out I was drunk after being clean for nearly 3 years I relapsed hard, the next morning I woke up completely naked to find out he raped me.

I went back into crystal meth again this was a year and a half ago the last time I took a shot of meth it was mixed with fentanyl and GHB it should’ve killed me I only took half of the shot blacked out and when I came to noticed that my right retina had completely detached, I needed an emergency surgery twice and the doctor said my eyesight would never come back. 

God gave me the scripture if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out I then reached out to my good friend Tyler Schmidt I met him and his wife Jen at the freedom march in 2020 Tyler recommended that I surrender to God and move out of Denver and come to Cincinnati. I did that God used him to help me with my drug addiction and he used Jen to help me with my same-sex attraction struggles it was the perfect recipe for recovery to heal the perfect storm so grateful.

Now that I’m back on track I have 15 months clean as of the 10th of this month and today. I am a part of the solution and not the problem. I work for a program called STR that is an extension of the lit movement sober living here in Cincinnati. Tyler and Jen run it we basically take men and women off of the streets and find them a bed in treatment to get off of drugs.

It’s so fulfilling knowing that God resurrected my life so that I can help others so grateful and blessed that I was able to go to the freedom march we all sin in one way or another no one is perfect and we all deserve love and grace from our father. 

God has called me to be a loving and compassionate person to bridge the hatred between the gay community and the church. 

So many gay people have been hurt by religious people and God has called us all to love one another regardless of whatever person has chosen to sin with.  I was super blessed to be able to not only have a job that fixed my life and my finances and to give back to my mother who has always been there to help me. I blessed her with a trip to the freedom March and today I help her with her finances she took care of me for so many years now it’s my turn to give back love God and love people.

I’m not where I’d like to be but I think God I’m not where I was today I would like to praise that I have been nearly 6 years undetectable and cured of HIV this all started when I surrendered my life to him. I also am in the process of becoming a certified peer recovery support specialist, after that, I plan on becoming a faith-based addictions counselor. God is on the move and I’m grateful to stay humble and serve. I go to recovery meetings and keep a clean routine. I’m also on the praise and worship for my celebrate recovery group I’d like to write poetry and I’m currently writing a book called open my encrypted Heart that I hope to get published within the next year or two. If I can tell anybody one thing it is please don’t ever give up do not grow weary in doing good for the right time your harvest will come, just don’t give up. If you know anybody battling with addiction there is hope pray for them and never give up on them. Today I don’t allow idols and labels to define who I am. I’m not gay I’m not straight I’m not an alcoholic I’m not a meth junkie my identity is in Christ!

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