People forget that billionaires have political ideologies just like everyone else. And remember, most peoples' political ideologies are generally tailored to improve the life of the person holding them. Democracy sounds great if you're a peasant living under a king with no say in how things are run. But in what way would democracy improve your life if you're a multi-billionaire who can buy politicians? Once you're up that high on the food chain, democracy is no longer a step UP, it's a step DOWN.
-Elisa Rae Shupe, is the first person to obtain a legally recognized non-binary gender status in the US, and a veteran, was found dead from an apparent suicide by hanging atop the Syracuse Veteran's Affairs Medical Center parking garage on Monday, January 27th, 2025.
-There is something rancid in America, a slow, creeping rot that smells like cold McDonald’s fries, aerosol hairspray, and the unmistakable musk of a country too sedated to recognize its own hostage situation.
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