Transition Radio Show

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Friday, May 20, 2022

TRS Presents James Marcus: His Crisis Shaped His Faith

James grew up in the small town of Sierra Vista, Arizona. He was raised in a Christian household. Due in part to a near-death experience at a young age, James engaged in many fights that saw him kicked out of multiple schools. After a few years of being homeschooled, James was given the chance to reintegrate into the public school system.

During his tenure in middle school; James searched for answers in various faiths and philosophies and eventually discovered his assurance in Christianity. While he had a faith in God and the love of Christ, James did not take his duties as a Christian seriously until after a crisis of faith. Shortly after that challenge, James' convictions were tested again after a friend of his suffered a terrible tragedy. Thankfully, James was blessed to be under the tutelage of a Pastor blessed with incredible wisdom and strength from God. Due to his intervention, James was challenged in a way that has since shaped his faith and continues to guide him on his walk.

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