Transition Radio Show

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It's time to break free from the programming while reaching your highest potential.

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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

TRS Presents Living In A Dysphoric World

Dysphoria is a psychological state that is often caused by or accompanies a mental health condition. Stressgriefrelationship difficulties, and other environmental problems can also cause dysphoria.

Most often, dysphoria is a mood, which means someone can have fleeting moments of dysphoria. People can also experience long-term dysphoric states, and long-term dysphoria is often strongly associated with mental health conditions that affect mood, such as major depressionmania, and cyclothymia.

Nutritional deficits and health conditions can also cause dysphoria. For example, people with hypoglycemia sometimes report feelings of dysphoria, and the stress of a chronic illness can cause feelings of unhappiness and frustration, which can be considered dysphoria.

TRS Presents: An Interview With Jeannie Ortega Law: What Is Happening To...

Jesus follower, Wife, Mama, Chart-Topping Singer, Writer, Actress, Producer, TV Host, Child of God! Jeannie Ortega Law is a singer, speaker, author, and actress from New York City that signed her first major record deal with Hollywood Records at the age of 16. Ortega Law spent several years on the pop radio circuit. Her first single, “Crowded” yielded a Top 25 slot on the Billboard Hot 100 charts and was certified Gold on radio airplay. Her debut album “No Place Like Brooklyn” (2006) debuted No. 1 on Billboard’s Heatseekers chart. She spent the summer of 2006 as the sole opening act for international pop star Rihanna on her nationwide tour. In 2007 Ortega Law had a life-changing divine encounter and decided to change direction and use her gifts for God. The multiple-threat performer has since been featured multiple times on the international network TBN and continues to tour Christian venues and churches all throughout the USA as a speaker, sharing her music and life-changing story. Ortega Law has a worldwide ministry with her husband, Rev. Renn Law (Most High King Ministries), and continues to make music from an inspirational perspective. Her on-screen appearances include “One Life to Live,” "Step Up," and more. Ortega Law now has her own TV-Show “In The Mix” on 24 Flix and is a media personality and Christian journalist. Her Book: What Is Happening To Me?: How To Defeat Your Unseen Enemy is available on Amazon:

Sunday, March 28, 2021

TRS Presents Margie Walters Strange Things Unfold

In July of 2001 Margie became a certified apitherapist, and in the 80's a navy trained artist /illustrator, and a stand-up comedian, as well as a paid tv actor. Today Margie is a “tent-” maker” costume designer, and a Recovering alcoholic/ prescription abuser 10 years ago, on January 8th, which also marks the date of my salvation, in 1984 thanks to The Most High and a missionary named Paula. Like all of us, I had a supernatural beginning. I was considered the runt of the litter youngest of 7. My mother had a medically delicate pregnancy being close to forty years of age so she took the "special" prenatal vitamins. I entered this -black and white television in the babysitter world - when America still had only 48 states Pop culture and the sand screen, my father had an aneurism/stroke when I was 2 weeks old and our family was split up for a while different relatives took us in and mom dealt with his hospital/therapy. After we were reunited we all got to move into a very large old brick house next to the VFW parade field.

TRS Presents Dr. Jennifer Morse

Dr. Morse was a campaign spokeswoman for California’s winning Proposition 8 campaign, defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman. She has authored or co-authored six books and spoken around the globe.

The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right Along. 

She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Rochester and taught economics at Yale and George Mason Universities. 

Dr. Morse was named one of the “Catholic Stars of 2013,” on a list that included Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI.

Dr. Morse and her husband are parents of an adopted child, a birth child, a goddaughter and were foster parents for San Diego County to eight foster children. In 2015, Dr. Morse and her husband relocated to Lake Charles, Louisiana, where the work of the Ruth Institute continues.

1. Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village (2001) 2. Smart Sex: Finding Lifelong Love in a Hookup World (2005) 3. 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage (2013) co-authored with Betsy Kerekes. 4. The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims (2015) 5. 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person (2016) co-authored with Betsy Kerekes. 6. The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right Along. (2018)

The Ruth Institute upholds the ancient Christian teachings about marriage, family, and human sexuality. These teachings are today sometimes regarded as exclusively “Catholic.” But in fact, Judaism, and most Christian groups, historically taught many of the same things. The Ruth Institute works with individuals and groups, religious or otherwise, who share our views, in whole or in part, regardless of their positions on other issues.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

TRS Presents Victoria Mikhaiel The Holy Spirit Opened My Eyes

Has been mightily saved by Abba Father from a 10yr drug addiction and entertaining demonic spirits through various sins. After I received the Holy Spirit he opened my eyes to all the things I was doing and how there were demons behind it all and how they were controlling me. Now I serve the Lord and am involved in a street ministry here in Edmonton, AB, and I pray for deliverance for people to be set free.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

TRS Presents Angel A Colon: Its All About Him

for all social media:AngelColonMusic$AngelCMusic1990

Angel Colon was Born in Massachusetts and now resides in Orlando, Florida. He survived one of the most deadly shootings in US history: The Pulse Nightclub shooting. The attacker killed 49 people and wounded 53.  By the grace of God, Angel survived but was shot multiple times and suffered a shattered femur. Despite his wounds, Colon was determined not to let this shooting discourage him. Growing up in a strong Christian home he knew the Lord was the source of his strength. What started as his "mess” has now become his message. Angel is using his voice to spread a message of hope, freedom, and faith to all who will listen. He wants the world to know that there is Freedom in Jesus Christ.

TRS Presents Dawn Lynn Mann

Lover and follower of Jesus with purpose and passion to see others set free. Dawn Lynn Mann is a writer, speaker,, and living witness to how much God has done. After being delivered by Christ and God’s miraculous work in her life, she now shares God’s story of love and redemption to help others find the hope and freedom that she so desperately needed. The Lord has opened the door to share my story in many churches, and with Celebrate Recovery, podcast, YouTube, and via radio. I sponsor and mentor others as I have been, and continue to be. I teach God’s word, lead small groups, and serve as a Celebrate Recovery leader and a Justice Ambassador for Prison Fellowship. My story, “Breaking Free”, is published in a compilation book, Faith and Freedom. I’m currently in the process of writing my own book. I am blessed to have some of my articles published in Arise Daily, Leading Hearts Magazine, and on my blog. I write about the hard stuff that is hidden and bring it into the light to help others benefit from what God has brought me through. I facilitate a safe ministry group where others can come together and share true stories to bring hope and help others. In February I was on a panel discussing sexuality and finding hope and freedom highlighting God’s love for the Arise Esther Virtual Conference. I am looking forward to sharing my testimony with Freedom March in the months ahead. All of this is made possible by the love, redemption, and transformation that Jesus provided through the cross. The Lord has put a deep passion in my heart to see others set free, and I stand in Christ’s authority on a mission to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

Monday, March 15, 2021

TRS Presents Charlotte Schnook Deceived By And Destroyed By A Man's Idée...

Charlotte like many women today is a widow by right, a Trans widow to be exact. The Term Idee Fixe means an irrational obsession that so dominates an individual's thoughts as to determine his or her actions. She has like many been forced to raise her children on her own, living life as a single mother because the man that promised to love and to hold till death do us part failed to honor his end of the deal, all to chase a mania/obsession that will never be realized. Charlotte has a degree in Theology, and a passion to restore her life and helping others by sharing her story and pain. "Charlotte is an academic of religion and ethics, a divorced single mother, socialist feminist, and an immigrant. She is a former LGB advocate, who is no longer involved with the community due to the abuse she received from the trans lobby for speaking out about her experience as the former spouse of a crossdresser. This is Char’s third appearance on Transition radio. It's unusual to have a guest return numerous times, but I am making an exception in Char’s case because we never got to explore the topic of trauma done to the partners & children of autogynephiles as deeply as I wanted. As my female watchers know: part of being raised female is being conditioned to put other people’s feelings over your own. In those previous interviews with Charlotte, I was seated next to my former spouse. I was aware that exploring Char’s pain from her marriage created feelings of guilt in my then partner, and so I did not ask more pointed questions to avoid possible conflict. Now that I am the sole interviewer on Transition Radio, I wanted to bring Char back to rectify that and talk about our experiences with autogynephilia."

Saturday, March 13, 2021

TRS Presents David Arthur: In His Grip

David Arthur is an author, minister, and a living, breathing testimony of The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST! David is a former homosexual, and former transgender person, with decades of experience in that world. David says, without a shadow of a doubt, “homosexuality (including transgenderism) is absolutely mutable and curable!” Suicide. Molestation. A life doomed and littered with drugs, alcohol, prostitution, and even murder. 30+ years of darkness and death. David now lives in Light and Life. After living as a transgender escort, David Arthur in 2009 was told that he had contracted HIV-AIDS and had only three months to live; but then came God. The medication was no longer a viable option. David laid in his hospital bed afraid to die when he experienced a life-altering epiphany. “I was in a hospital bed under Hospice care when I read a verse in the Bible which says: “And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error,” (Romans 1:27). “Those words of that Bible passage and the memory of a correctional officer who preached to me in prison compelled me to start praying and confessing my sins to the Heavenly Father,” says Arthur speaking at Trinity at the Eastern Gate in Pickerington, Ohio. Now, ten years later, Arthur encourages people to leave the LGBT lifestyle thru his ministry I Belong Amen Ministries.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

TRS Presents Jeff Peterson

Jeff was born and raised in Alberta Lea, MN. He graduated high school in 1991, after that he went on to cooking school, worked at Red Lobster, and eventually transferred to TN. Mosty wanting to get out of the cold and snow. I met my wife, Christy down here in an online chat room. We have been married 21years, and have one son, Alex. He is 18 and is graduating High Schoo this year, and will be going into the Army in July. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

TRS Presents Shirley Baskett From The Land Down Under: God Herd Her Prayers

Shirley grew up In New Zealand. Her family was Impacted by the death of Shirley's brother. He was low-functioning autistic and at that time, no one even had a name for such conditions. The trauma of coping with his death threw Shirley's family into chaos. As she grew into adolescence she was aware of her personal confusion about who she was. She wanted to follow Christ, but her desperate hunger for love put her on a roller coaster of bad relationships. First with boys and this Increased her confusion about whether she would ever know love. She went to a Bible college for a year as she turned 20 and while there she met a woman that she fell in love with. This took her on a journey of nearly nine years of believing she must surely have been born gay, or that perhaps God has made a mistake and put her wrongly into a woman's body. As she came toward thirty, she was over trying to find any human love. She hoped that she could get back to her faith and so prayed the last prayer and God answered. She has been away from this old Identity for more than 30 years and has followed God into ministry and service that has taken her to many countries of the world to share what he has done.

TRS Presents Sandra Carter What The Devil Took God Replaced

Sandra is a 60-year-old female, mother of 4 who transitioned later in life. She quotes "The worst mistake of my life"! I've ended up with health issues related to my taking testosterone for 8 years, from around May of 2004 to around Easter of 2012. Jesus Christ changed my life forever! How I ended up transitioning was mostly because as a butch lesbian it seemed the thing to do. I held some hope that if I did perhaps I could maintain a relationship with my estranged husband at the time I admin an online group for ex-transmen to regain support for detransitioning and provide relating news about the GLBT movement. We also allow those who either support detransion or are affected because a family member is embarking on a path that for many is fraught with perils unforeseen on the path to transition. We provide no advice as to how to transition whatsoever. We hold forth that Jesus Christ is the way to handle our need for direction, love, and deliverance in life's struggles. I am also a singer-songwriter hoping to document my experiences. I survived my husband who had HIV among other health problems and our son who is forever 30 due to suicide in 2018 But God and Jesus Christ are my constant source of comfort and help.

Check out her FB page: FB Page

Monday, March 1, 2021

TRS Presents Toni Stockton A Heart For The Children

Toni is the founder of Rise-up 4-The-Children, She is a Speaker, Writer, and Blogger. She is a Woman of Faith who has been a follower of Christ for a very long time. Our Heart The Children A Voice For the Innocent A Voice For Your Community A Voice To Protect Future Generations

check out her website