Saturday Sept 3rd, Live at 7PM MST, 10 PM EST
My name is Joey. I am from the East Coast of Canada. I grew up battling self-image issues, struggles with addiction, and depression from a very young age.
I never felt comfortable in my body. I started dressing in boys' clothes around the age of 12. Secretly struggling with my identity and sexual orientation. I came out as a lesbian at the age of 21, but that wasn’t enough. I still hated myself and hated my body.
In 2013, at the age of 27, after being diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria, I started my medical transition. I medically transitioned for almost 9 years. I had a mastectomy in 2014 and a hysterectomy in 2016. Something still didn’t feel right. No amount of physical changes fixed the disconnect I felt in my soul. After a lot of emotional and spiritual healing, I awakened to the truth. The root cause of my decision to transition. I am now on a journey of detransitioning, self-love, and bringing awareness to the “not so talked about” side of transitioning. I also feel called to shed light on the agenda that is being pushed on children. The children are our future and we must stand together to protect the children!