Transition Radio Show

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Sunday, April 25, 2021

TRS Presents Kristy Fleming: The Veil Between Life And Death

I've had a strange life from a very early age, starting at the age of two with witnessing my great grandfather's sudden death.  I sat next to him as he lay on the floor dying.  Then when he passed, I heard heavenly music, rolling thunder.  I looked up to see the sky scrolling open, with what Is best described as Jacobs' ladder.  My great grandfather was being escorted up the stairs by a large angel.  We communicated briefly and then everything went back to normal.  This experience opened me up to all the other events of my life Including me and my twin sisters shared near-death experience when we were six years old.

  The veil between life and death Is just dimensions that fold Into one another.  God Is real.  Heaven Is real.  Angelic help and Inreevention are all real. And the end of this dispensation of time Is coming to a close.  

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